Τρίτη 30 Ιουλίου 2013

My Bedford

it is time I introduced you the place I live so without further ado..here is Bedford!

This is a sculpture in a very main street. The artist wanted to express "the diversity of ethnic backgrounds in the town". My thoughts? Pink Floyd fan :-).

The river of bedford is a great place to enjoy a sunny day.

The Wellington Arms on Wellington St is a my favourite bar with live music on Tuesdays by a band of men above their 60's. They mostly play older british rock music and they are open to any demands.

If you are a fan of dino-disco then this pub is for you. Once or twice in a month they hold quite a loud party.

This square holds a pleasant surprise to those who are feeling hot, I go all the time ;-)

My friend Dave's favourite place, the comic books store!

This shoe shop has hand-made shoes for men, worth a visit!

 This is a nice place to find fine shirts from Italy. Bedford is full of Italians if you didn't know.

Elements is the loudest club to visit on a Wednesday. Three different kinds of music in three different rooms will keep you dancing all night.

This is my 2nd house or my swimming pool or as one of my favourite bands say..this is my church, this is where I heal my wounds.

Finally, I wanna thank the unknown person who was very kind to capture me :)

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